Monday, July 13, 2009

Okay folks, we're taking bets on the game right now. We're only playing for poker cards and only for face cards. Place your bets now! The game's about to start!

"Stripes" is ready on the defense. The goalie is winding up to pitch and it's a slipper!
That's right they're pitching a light blue slipper. With no ball kids in Cambodia pitch and kick their shoes in miniature games of urban soccer.

It's "Camo" for the return. He's got his eye on the goal tile squares and he aims and fires. It's a GOAL!

The defense protests and it takes every player to measure just how far across the tile the rubber slipper skidded. By consensus it is a goal, "Stripes" and "Orange" win this round. This game might be over, but the series continues.

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