Sunday, December 21, 2008

I spent the day today wandering Ho Chi Minh City after Sunday services. Just getting to services by taxi was an experience since in Vietnam as in other places, sometimes folks build in cities without regard to municipal regulations and end up having the same address as others. There were two of the addresses I wanted to get two.... about three blocks away from each other. We arrived at the first and I knew that warn't where I wanted to be. So I instructed the taxi driver to move further downt he street. We did and found a second of the same address.

Walking around downtown was an experience in hellish maneuvering. Like Phnom Penh, Ho Chi Minh City has no rules about traffic that anyone obeys. But this city is as big as the whole of Cambodia. So there are zillions of motos ripping around everywhich way. To cross the street one need merely step out into the intersection and hope to not be run over. I almost was twice in two hours. Oh by the way, the best falafels I have ever tasted (ever) are to be had at 97 Nguc Pham Lao, HCMC. For three dollars I had hummous and salad and falafels and a Diet Coke. The tiny store was filled with obviously South Asian (Probably Pakistani or Bengladeshi) customers but the staff was clearly Vietnamese. If for no other reason come to HCMC for the falafels at Falafellim.


catsdancer said...

I never ate falafels before.

Martin said...

You could try them at Pyramids.