Saturday, December 20, 2008

So Now I'm in Ho Chi Minh City. I'm typing from a lovely Vietnamese language keyboard with blogger (the web program that supports this blog) in Vietnamese. I'm screwy anyway I look at it. oh well. It was an eventful six hour bus trip from Phnom Penh to here. I saw many examples of the wooden architecture that the architects/archealogists talked about my first night here. (If there are typos here... blame the Viet nam ese keyboard.)

I'll put them up as soon as I get back Phnom Penh on Monday. The difference between the two cities is night and day. But regardless, I prefer Phnom Penh because I have friends who live there and it looks more like Santa Cruz Bolivia than Mexico City. Though the streets are cleaner here, the people seem more contemporary, still the sense of entitlement is greater here. Thanks for putting up with my rants..

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